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Version: 6.x


The API uses under the hood intricate programs.

Gotenberg tries to abstract as much complexity as possible but it can only do it to a certain extent.

For instance, Office and Merge endpoints will start respectively as many LibreOffice (unoconv) and PDTk instances as there are requests. The limitation here is the available memory and CPU usage.

On another hand, for the HTML, URL and Markdown endpoints, the API does only 6 conversions in parallel. Indeed, Google Chrome misbehaves if there are too many concurrent conversions.

The more concurrent requests, the more 504 HTTP codes the API will return.


See our load testing use case for more details about the API behaviour under heavy load.


Increase timeout

You may increase the conversion timeout. In other words, you accept that a conversion takes more time if the API is under heavy load.


The API being stateless, you may scale it as much as you want.

For instance, using the following Docker Compose file:

version: '3'


# your other services

image: thecodingmachine/gotenberg:6

You may now launch your services using:

docker-compose up --scale gotenberg=your_number_of_instances

When requesting the Gotenberg service with your client(s), Docker will automatically redirect a request to a Gotenberg container according to the round-robin strategy.